Produse pentru greenspring 4în1 (21)

Amestec de Semințe Ekr/egr - Vegetație și Îngrășământ

Amestec de Semințe Ekr/egr - Vegetație și Îngrășământ

Optigrun Seed Mix EKR/EGR for the nature roof system structue (also pitched roof). Must be used in conjunction with sedum shoot seeding (then 50 g/m²). EKR herb version: approx. 30 herb species EGR grass version: approx. 9 grass species For extensive green roofs (also pitched roof)
Pătrunjel 4mm std

Pătrunjel 4mm std

Parsley 4mm STD is a dried, coarsely chopped parsley with a fresh, green flavor. It's commonly used as a garnish and seasoning for soups, salads, and sauces.
leaf vacuums

leaf vacuums

Leaf vacuums are essential tools for maintaining clean and tidy outdoor spaces. These machines efficiently collect leaves, debris, and other organic materials, reducing the need for manual raking and sweeping. Leaf vacuums are ideal for both residential and commercial use, offering various capacities and features to suit different needs. With their powerful engines and durable construction, leaf vacuums make waste management efficient and environmentally friendly. In addition to their primary function, leaf vacuums contribute to sustainable gardening practices by collecting organic waste for composting or disposal. The ergonomic design and easy-to-use controls ensure comfort and precision during operation, reducing the physical strain on the user. Whether you're a professional landscaper or a gardening enthusiast, leaf vacuums are a valuable addition to your toolkit, helping you maintain a clean and sustainable outdoor space.
Pătrunjel (20g) - Ierburi

Pătrunjel (20g) - Ierburi

Petersilie ist herrlich frisch, aromatisch würzig und hat eine leicht herbe Note. Oft wird Petersilie auch verwendet, einfach nur um Gerichte verfeinernd zu garnieren. Sie ist ein Allrounder, besonders in der heimischen und französischen Küche. Das Aroma der Petersilie besticht durch ein frisches Kräuterbouquet mit würziger, muskatartiger Note. Blätter und Stängel enthalten sogar mehr Vitamin C als Zitrusfrüchte. Taboulé aus dem Orient, provenzalisches Pistou, Frankfurter Grüne Saucen – aus dem ehemaligen einfachen Suppenkraut hat sich ein international beliebtes Gewürz entwickelt. Petersilie verleiht nahezu allen herzhaften Gerichten eine ausgewogene Grundwürze. Kalte Gerichte wie Salat, Eier, Rohkost und Dips auf Quark-, Frischkäse- oder Joghurtbasis erhalten mit etwas Petersilie ein würzig-frisches Finish. Aber auch warme Speisen wie helle Saucen, Fischzubereitungen, Geflügel und Bratenfüllungen lassen Inhalt:15,00 g Artikel-Nr:206577
Kituri de cultivare ușoare

Kituri de cultivare ușoare

Because of the importance of germination for the success of a plant and for a seed to sprout, Batlle and Jiffy have come associated to ensure that the best seeds germinate in the best way and medium. A pair of experts that make germination very easy with a total guarantee of success.
întreținerea grădinii

întreținerea grădinii

Mon beau jardin, roi du quartier ! Parce que l'entretien de vos extérieurs ne doit pas être une corvée et une grosse dépense, Bricolage Direct a conçu pour vous, une gamme complète pour entretenir votre jardin au prix le plus juste. Equipez-vous d'outils de jardinage, outils à bois ou pour travaux agricoles qui allient efficacité et facilité d'usage au meilleur rapport qualité/prix ! Découvrez nos gammes KORMAN, STEINER ou St PIERRE DU CHAMP.
Plantă Stabilizată Sparanghel Miro Verde 40/70cm

Plantă Stabilizată Sparanghel Miro Verde 40/70cm

Type de feuillage Asparagus Miro Stabilisé Taille 40 cm ou 70 cm (choisir cidessus) Pot Pot PVC noir d'horticulture avec mousse stabilisée en surface Cache pot non fourni Dimension du pot 40cm 14,5 cm de diamètre 11,5 cm de hauteur Dimension du pot 70cm 20 cm de diamètre 20 cm de hauteur La durée de vie est de 5 à 10 ans pour une utilisation en intérieur Voir les cachepots et accessoires 0% Soleil Les fleurs, plantes et feuillages stabilisés sont recueillis au meilleur stade de leur vie et sont le résultat d'un processus unique de conservation. Ils n'ont pas besoin ni de la lumière du soleil ni d'être aérés. 0% Eau Les végétaux stabilisés n'ont pas besoin d'être arrosés. 0% Terre Les végétaux stabilisés n'ont pas besoin d'engrais ou d’être rempotés. 0% Croissance Les végétaux stabilisés n'ont pas besoin d'être taillés. Type de feuillage:Asparagus Miro Stabilisé Taille:40 cm ou 70 cm
Green Neige - Absorbante și Produse de Iarnă

Green Neige - Absorbante și Produse de Iarnă

Déneigeant, déverglacant à base de chlorure de calcium, efficace jusqu’à 51°C, préventif et curatif, action ultra rapide par réaction exothermique, utilisation (quai de chargement, entrepôts, escaliers, trottoirs, cours et accès d’usine, devantures de magasins, entrées de restaurants, écoles, aéroports, parkings, etc…), absorbant d’humidité, antipoussière, antigel, accumulateur de froid et lestage de pneu. Très économique, 6 fois moins de produits que le sel traditionnel. *AVANTAGES Préventif (rémanent de 48H à 72H), curatif jusqu’à 51°C (Sel 7°C et 5°C si fort taux d’humidité), ne laisse pas de résidu, ni de tache blanchâtre, ne détériore pas les sols, le béton et les surfaces métalliques. Évite les accidents, glissades et chutes. Sans danger pour la faune et la flore. *MÉTHODE D’UTILISATION Épandre le produit à la main ou à l’épandeur afin de faire des économies. Référence:ABS-GRENEI/25KG Poids:25 KG Traitement préventif:5 à 10 gr/m2. Traitement Curatif:-Verglas 20 gr/m2, Glace, 60 gr/m2, Neige 60 à 80 gr/m2, Neige tassée 80 à 100 gr/m2.
Compoziția microorganismelor 'Ecostern' - Compoziția microorganismelor pentru îmbunătățirea sănătății solului, accelerarea resturilor vegetale

Compoziția microorganismelor 'Ecostern' - Compoziția microorganismelor pentru îmbunătățirea sănătății solului, accelerarea resturilor vegetale

Product details: Effectively decomposes crop residues Balances soil microflora Enriches of organic matter and available elements of plant nutrition Improves the soil and prevents its degradation Increases crops yield Active substance: Viable cells of Bacillus subtilis, Azotobacter, Enterobacter, Enterococcus bacteria and Trichoderma lignorum, Trichoderma viride fungi, titer: 2.5х10^9 CFU/cm3 Organic certification: Listed in the Input list for organic farming in Germany Application methods: Аfter harvesting cereal, technical and other crops for treatment of soil and crop residues in order to accelerate their decomposition Shelf life: SC - 12 months at 4 °C to 10 °C or 6 months at 10 °C to 15 °C DP - 24 months at 4 °C to 15 °C 18 months at 15-25 °C ! Applied on 3 mln ha in 14 countries annually ! 90% of farmers see the positive result after application ! More than 100 $/ha of average increase after Ecostern application ! Enhances soil C-capture processes
Ardei Capia

Ardei Capia

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *For availability of current varieties please contact *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
ESSERRA - Îngrășământ Organic Lichid

ESSERRA - Îngrășământ Organic Lichid

Her bitkiye yapraktan ve topraktan uygulanabilen ESSERRA Sıvı Organik Gübre, 10-15 gün arayla ortalama 3-5 defa uygulandığında meyvede, üründe veya mahsülde kalite ve lezzet artışı, erkencilik ve görsellik sağlar. Organik ve doğal olduğu için hiç bir yan etkisi ve zararı yoktur.
Pistach - Vera

Pistach - Vera

Plants de pistachiers greffés: Sirora / Larnaka / Aigine / Pontikis / Napolitaine / Kerman en femelles Peter / C'Spécial / mâle B / mâle C / Randy / mâle de Bronte pour les mâles sur porte greffe UCB1 ou Térébinthe
Cilandro - Cilandro în cutie din plută

Cilandro - Cilandro în cutie din plută

Cilandro en caja de corcho en manojos 100gr
Ceapă verde - Ierburi organice și congelate

Ceapă verde - Ierburi organice și congelate

Plante fraîchement coupée, lavée et surgelée après récolte. Pour agrémenter les plats cuisinés, salades, sauces, soupes ... Utilisation de préférence à froid. Convient également aux utilisations à chaud. Poids:50gr
Piper Mazamort

Piper Mazamort

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *For availability of current varieties please contact *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
ESSERA Cu 6 - Îngrășământ cu Cupru

ESSERA Cu 6 - Îngrășământ cu Cupru

İçerdiği özel Sistemik Bakır dolayısıyla bakır ihtiyacını karşılar ve iletim demetleriyle taşınabilir. İçerdiği bakır sayesinde anti-fungal ve anti-bakteriyel etkiye de sahiptir. Uygulama sonrasında çevre koşullarından etkilenmez. Doz aşımı yapılmamalı ve günün sıcak saatlerinde uygulama yapmaktan kaçınılmalıdır.
Mandora Mandarină

Mandora Mandarină

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From İzmir, Adana, Bodrum Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
ESSERA NPK - Îngrășământ NPK Echilibrat

ESSERA NPK - Îngrășământ NPK Echilibrat

Hızlı alınabilir besin kaynağıdır. Birlikte kullanıldığı diğer bitki besleme ürünlerinin verimini arttırır. Kök gelişimini arttırır ve fotosentezi hızlandırır. Meyve tutumu ve meyve gelişimini dolaylı olarak olumlu yönde etkiler. İklim koşullarından kaynaklanan streslere karşı mukavemet sağlar. Toprak mikro faunasını zenginleştirir. Toprağın geçirgenliğini arttırarak, toprağı kabartır ve havalanmasına yardımcı olur. Topraktaki pH'ı düşürür. Toprakta bağlı olan makro ve mikro besin elementlerinin çözümünü arttırır.
Persimon domestic

Persimon domestic

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Denizli, Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
Ardei Unguresc

Ardei Unguresc

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *For availability of current varieties please contact *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
Avocado Zutano

Avocado Zutano

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Mersin Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us